First, congrats to Wriston's "Auntie" Linds on passing the CPA exam!! We are so proud of you! All we needed was ANOTHER CPA in our lives :).
We are planning our family vacation now. Instead of heading to FL again this year, we decided to stay on the NC coast. We wanted to save money from the rising gas prices and keep us on the road for a shorter time because of W. It seems we found a house so we are making progress!
Wriston is really growing and learning. It is so fun to watch his developmental changes. Everyday brings something new. Yesterday, he did an Elvis lip and I laughed. He really has a fantastic personality. He seems to be a people person and easy going. He loves to talk ... Like his momma... And smiles a lot. I pulled out Stephen's baby book and his hospital picture is so so similar to W's features. But, then you can see differences between W and Stephen's 17 day pic. W is blessed with my chubby cheeks and toes.
I'll post comparison pics later.
I Quit!
8 years ago
YAY! Thanks for the shoutout! :) Can't wait to see the comparison pics!